Sample files online 3fr

Uploaded Samples

Format Filename MIME Type Size Actions
3fr 1718851314_RAW_HASSELBLAD_CFV.3FR application/octet-stream 22,276.00 KB Download
3fr 1718864594_B0000080.3FR application/octet-stream 208,312.00 KB Download
3fr 1718864623_B0000079.3FR application/octet-stream 208,312.00 KB Download

Format Hasselblad 3FR

The 3FR file format is an acronym for "3F RAW," where "3F" stands for "Flexible File Format." It is specifically developed by Hasselblad, a renowned Swedish manufacturer of high-end medium format cameras and photographic equipment. The primary purpose of the 3FR format is to capture all the raw data from the camera's sensor without any in-camera processing, allowing photographers to perform extensive adjustments during the post-processing stage.